From sex to superconsciousness

   This book became world famous, world notorious. This is not for sex, but this is the book which is against sex, strange !... Osho here says, "There is a way to go beyond sex, you can transcend sex..."

From sex to superconsciousness

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In this book Osho says:
           I say to you if a person can remain in the lovemaking state, can remain in that samadhi, in that submergence for three hours, then one single act of intercourse is enough to free one from sex for the rest of one’s life. It leaves behind such contentment, such an experience of bliss, such awareness, that it lasts a lifetime. After this single act of intercourse one can attain to the stage of real celibacy.
But we never attain celibacy even after a lifetime of sexual indulgence. One reaches a ripe old age, one comes to the end of one’s life, but one is never free from the lust for sex, from the passion for intercourse. Why? It is because we have not understood the art and the science of sex. No one has ever explained it to us nor have we ever thought about it, reflected upon it or discussed it. In our lives no experienced ones have engaged us in a dialogue over it, in a communion over it. We are in a worse situation than animals even.

You may be skeptical that an experience that is usually of a moment’s duration can last for three hours. I will give you certain keys. If you pay attention to them, the journey to celibacy will become easier.



The faster one’s breathing during intercourse, the shorter the duration of it; the calmer and more relaxed one’s breathing, the longer the duration of the intercourse. If you can discipline a totally relaxed breathing, the duration of intercourse can be prolonged to any extent. And the longer intercourse lasts, the more the experience of the elements of superconsciousness – the egolessness and timelessness I have talked about – begins to take place. The breathing should be very relaxed. As it relaxes, newer depths, meanings and realizations in sex will begin to be revealed.

Another thing to remember, if during the act of intercourse your awareness is focused between the eyes, where yoga says the third eye center is, the duration of lovemaking can be extended up to three hours. And one such experience of intercourse can root the person in celibacy – not only for this lifetime but for the next life also.

The third thing is the state of mind in which you approach sex. You should approach sex as if approaching a shrine, because at the time of sex you are closest to existence. It is through sex that the divine can create and give birth to new life – so in sex we are closest to the creator. We become a passage for a new life to come through us. We become a birth-giver. Why is it so? Because that state, the state of intercourse, is closest to the creator itself. If we approach sex with sacredness, with prayerfulness, we can easily have a glimpse of the divine.

But we approach sex hating it, with an ill-feeling toward it, with an attitude of condemnation. That creates a wall and we fail to experience the divine there. Approach sex as if you are approaching a temple, a sacred shrine. Take your wife as if she is the divine. Take your husband as if he is the divine. And never approach sex while in ugliness, in anger, in hardness, in spite, in jealousy, in irritation, in moments of anxiety.
I request you to approach sex only when you are feeling bliss, feeling love, when you are cheerful, when you are prayerful; only when you feel that your heart is full of joy, peace and gratitude. Only a person who approaches sex like this can experience superconsciousness, Samadhi.

One’s attainment to celibacy from birth in this life is based on the experiences of deep coital union in previous lives and on nothing else. There is no other way. If one has had a profound experience of sex in a previous life, the person will be born free of sex in this life; sex will not disturb the person, even in his imagination. On the contrary, the person will be surprised at how other people behave about sex; the person will be amazed that people are so madly after sex. Such a person will even have to make a conscious effort to distinguish, to differentiate between a man and a woman.

If someone thinks one can simply become a born celibate without any deep experience of sex, that person is wrong; one will become insane, not celibate. Those who try to impose celibacy upon themselves only go insane, they reach nowhere. Celibacy cannot be imposed; celibacy evolves out of the experience of sex. It is the result of some profound experience – and the experience is of sex. If that experience can be had even once, the person is released from sex for the unending journey of lifetimes.

The above quotes are just a few glimpses from this book. There are much more interesting things to read...

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