Meditation and Drug Free Living

Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.

Transcendental Meditation - TM

It is a simple, natural, effortless procedure practised for 15-20 minutes twice a day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. It’s not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle.

The Transcendental Meditation technique is based on the ancient Vedic tradition of enlightenment in India. This knowledge has been handed down by Vedic masters from generation to generation for thousands of years.

About 50 years ago, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world, restoring the knowledge and experience of higher states of consciousness at this critical time for humanity.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Click the links below to get more information on TM:
TM link 1

TM link 2

Sahaj Samadhi Meditation from The Art of Living

Sahaj Samadhi Meditation is conceived by Guru Sri Sri Ravishankar and it is being taught in 'The Art of Living' centers worldwide.

Sahaj Samadhi Meditation just takes 20 minutes of your time ! It’s an investment with only profit on your side.

Sahaj Samadhi Meditation is a form of mantra meditation. The chanting of mantra during this meditation lets the mind settle down easily. When the mind is calm, it lets go of all tension.

For more precious details please click on the links below:

AOL link 1

AOL link 2

Osho's Meditations

Osho introduced the concept of active meditations which touched people's lives beautifully.

Active meditations are performed standing up and moving the whole body in rhythm with a certain music and/or mantra. These meditations are very powerful, especially when performed in groups. The average Osho meditation lasts about an hour and it has four or five distinct stages.



"In Buddha's time, dynamic methods of meditation were not needed. People were more simple, more authentic.They lived a more real life.

Now, people are living a very repressed life, a very unreal life.

When they don't want to smile, they smile. When they want to be angry, they show compassion. People are false, the whole life pattern is false. People are just acting, not living. Many incomplete experiences go on being collected, piled up inside their minds.

Just sitting directly in silence won't help. The moment you will sit silently, you will see all sorts of things moving inside you; you will feel it almost impossible to be silent. First throw those things out so you come to a natural state of rest. Real meditation starts only when you are at rest."

Source: - Osho

Here is an excellent Osho's title - 'Meditation: The First and Last Freedom'

This book is the most comprehensive guide available to all the Osho Active Meditations, plus a variety of other techniques.

Osho shows that meditation is not a spiritual discipline separate from everyday life in the real world. In essence, it is simply the art of being aware of what is going on inside and around us.

In India, get this book here.

In USA, get this book here.



For more information:

Osho meditations

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